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 Western Raid

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Posts : 21
Join date : 2009-12-13

Western Raid Empty
PostWestern Raid

The file includes two separate versions of the map. One is the Turf Wars mode and the other is the shock troops Western Raid mode. Download here -> http://usmcchaser.com/Files/Western%20Raid.rar

Turf Wars

This idea was inspired by both the domination mode in COD and the Turf wars from GTA MP. There are 6 capture points: The goal is to capture a building or an area to expose the enemies flag. The Law Breakers are the Mexicans and the Government Forces are the United States; when a building is captured there will be a Mexican\USA flag displayed on the building to indicate which team has captured it. Before a building is captured, the flag is a neutral gray design to indicate that it's still up for grabs; neither flag in that building is exposed until one flag is captured. The return point in the center of the map is used in case one team can't capture a single building and has no place to return their flag. You want to capture as many buildings as you can, but at any time your building can be recaptured by the enemy team. Most importantly, the gameplay is equal on both sides and without the map being symmetrical for once. Both teams have the same oppurtunity to capture any building and also have the same spawn points. Since the game still detects it as "CTF" mode it won't crash. This mode is meant for 6 or more people, any less should be played on ST.

Western Raid Turfwars1.thWestern Raid Turfwars2.thWestern Raid Turfwars3.thWestern Raid Turfwars4.thWestern Raid Turfwars5.th

Western Raid

This is the same map layout and buildings with a slightly different twist. Law Breakers start on the outskirts of the map, their goal is to "raid" the town. Government forces job is to defend the town. The Law breakers can choose to complete one of two mission goals. One of the goals is to free all the prisoners in the sheriff station and then untie the guy about to be hung by the noose. The other goal they can complete is to rob all four buildings: Abandoned House's Safe, The Bars' Cash Register, Banks Vault and the general stores' cash register. All of which include actual money bonuses for that team. The balance is to allow for the Government forces to camp or hide wherever they'd like inside the town and defend while the Law breakers are forced to rush but have many different options they can chose from and get get the slight money advantage. At the time limit, there is a cut scene where the guy on the noose gets hung and that indicates that the Government Forces have defended the town.

Western Raid Westernraid4.thWestern Raid Westernraid5.thWestern Raid Westernraid3.thWestern Raid Westernraid1.thWestern Raid Westernraid2.th

Western Raid Turfwars4
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